LiPo Batteries or Equipment with LiPo Batteries
According to the international postal regulations, LiPo Batteries (Lithium battery) is regulated as dangerous articles, and prohibited from transmission through the postal channel. To ensure that mail in transport does not present danger during its transmission, prohibited or dangerous articles must never be sent in the Post (both air and surface). It also forbids shipments to or from Army, Fleet and Diplomatic Post Offices.
We will only ship Li-Po batteries with Fedex.Flammable Liquid (Oil, Glue, Traction Compounds)
As flammable liquid also claimed as dangerous articles, and prohibited from transmission through the postal channel (both air and surface). Including oil, glue, traction compounds...etc.Color Spray Paint
RC body color spray paint is considered as pressurised containers (aerosols), which is not allowed to transport.Country Restrictions
According to Hong Kong Post Office, the following countries are NOT able to choose shipping method : EMSParcel Country Guide
Due to different destination, limitations on parcel are NOT the same, such as:Check out all above information to ensure your parcel can be sent successfully. Of course if you have any enquiries, please contact us.